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AR Review: Week 22

With last weekend’s largely successful roll-out of the use of VARs (that’s the person) it only makes sense that we talk some Video Review (that’s the name of the process). This week we will look at several offside decisions and see how they were affected by the video review process. With those same offside decision, we will also check to see how the match would have been affected if the original decision had been left up to the VAR to correct.

Now offside in itself is not a reviewable incident, however when it is attached to a goal, penalty kick or DOGSO red cards, it can be. We had several goals called back this week with flags up and when we analyze them from a VR standpoint, you will see why it is important that you continue as before and not change your decision making in any way. First off, no AR decision was formally reviewed, but a lot of them were checked. It is important to know the difference between a check and a review. Checks happen all thru the game whenever there is a possibility of a reviewable incident. (There is an average of about 9 checks per match). Reviews only happen when the VAR has identified a clear and obvious error. Therefore, if you never make a clear and obvious error, you never will get a formal video review.

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